CHA 2012 Overview!!

Here is a super brief overview of my time at CHA in Anaheim last week!!  It was near unto impossible to try to fit in 2 full days and thousands of booths into 60 seconds or less, but I think I squeezed in MOST of my favourites (plus the token Tim Holtz appearance for those of you who insist on seeing what he's up to... and what new gadget he's demoing... and what he's wearing)!!

Others and MORE will be shown on my upcoming...
 TV segment this MONDAY, FEB. 6, 2012
on Breakfast Television starting at 6am through to 9am!!  We will be on-site shooting from the Scrapbooker's Paradise store in Calgary showing and demoing some of our favourite NEW products, tools and companies :)

My Top Picks include:

Tropical Travelogue line from Graphic 45... I could NOT keep my eyes off of this beautiful line and all the eye candy in the booth!!!!  They really do set the bar high for CHA shows!!!  And they're coming to Calgary in April!!!  Can NOT wait!!!  

Bo Bunny is ALWAYS a hit with everyone (including me!) but this year I had trouble picking my favourite NEW line... not because they didn't have good ones, but because they are all a little different... kind of like one for each mood I might be in!!!!!  I like them ALL!!

Basic Grey is also a go-to line and they had some super fun ideas (and some super fun ladies... the top picture we are all "The Allison's"... yup 3 Allison's all with the correct spelling!!) and a photo of their new canvases... pretty cool!!!

Meanwhile, Christy and I ran into Donna Downey... she is HILARIOUS!!!  And don't forget she's coming to Alberta this month (I get to teach with her!!!) and you can take her classes!!!  Check out Cropaganza for more info!!!

Onto some home decor stuff...

Canvas Corp is a company I am anxious to better acquaint myself with (FYI they just bought Tattered Angels and also own 7 Gypsies so watch for this powerhouse of companies to bring out some amazing things!!!)  Of course I just LOVED their beach line!!!

There were NOT a lot of new tools, but a "Stamping Gear" from Inkadoo helped create this beautiful canvas... sure had Christy's creative juices flowing!!!

And although it's not a "Tool", this new to me company (Unikeep) has some super funky ideas for travel albums!!!  Has mine and Christy's creative juices flowing too for our 

So this guy had us smiling with this innovative gadget called "Action Wobble Springs"... to see it in action, you need to watch the video, but we thought it was FANTASTIC especially for kids cards and animation!!

Another super HOT thing at CHA is jewelry and my favourite "design-it-do-it-yourself" line was from Vintaj!!!  Check out this hot tropical looking necklace (how can you tell where my mind is)!!!!

And last, but definitely not least, was one of my personal favourites from the whole show...
I know it's still new technology, but the QR codes are beginning to appear everywhere and allow you to instantly visit a companies website, get info, etc. Sizzix, however, has figured out a super great way to bring them into the crafting world through "Talking Tags"... you purchase your own labels that have QR codes that you can record a one minute personal message onto and then you can glue or sew it to a special project or layout and it will be there to listen to for years every time you scan it!!!!  How cool is that????!!!!!  I can just imagine taping my kids' giggles or nana's voice and having it permanently recorded on a special quilt or card or layout or????  Just imagine!!!

Okay, enough from CHA...

Meanwhile, here is some of the trouble... er I mean FUN we got into while in LA!!!  It all started with the "economy car" I rented... my fiery red FIAT car!!!!  They kept asking me if I wanted one with more leg room... um... do I look like I need more leg room????  Besides, I get to play "JLO in LA"!!

I have to say that I mostly managed to stay out of trouble this time, but trouble still followed!!  This time it was Christy!!!!  It all started our first night when we were at a reception for vendors and we were at the bar getting drinks... Christy was trying to order me a drink with no alcohol, but the guy just wasn't getting it!!!  And after we thought he finally understood, he still began to pour Vodka into my Cranberry juice and before she could think about what she was doing, Christy shoved her hand overtop of my glass and he proceeded to pour Vodka all over her!!!  The look on both their faces was PRICELESS!!!  Yup... a true friend takes a "hit of Vodka" for you!!!

Continuing on the theme of drinks... on our flight home, we were just settling into our seats after take-off when suddenly Christy and I heard a "pop" and were suddenly being showered with liquid!!!  We looked up and to our horror the ceiling of the plane was "leaking" a brown liquid all over us (mostly Christy... I had just moved to the aisle seat)!!  This is NOT a good thing on a plane!!  So after a moment of panic, the flight attendant came running to discover that two rows up a mother had given her little boy a baby bottle filled with Coke and it had exploded!!!  Now I've heard of moms giving their little ones, Gravol to keep them calm on a flight, but COKE???  Who does that???!!!!

Anyways, one of the highlights of our time in LA was renting a bus with all the other "Canucks" and touring the town!!!  Below is a collage of our adventures including our "Star Gazing" in Hollywood... we went to the "Chateau Marmont" where numerous stars were in attendance following the SAG awards that night!!  We got to see Glee stars, Modern Family stars, and Jesus!!!!

Alrighty!!  Be sure to watch Breakfast Television on Monday morning for even more fun and eye candy from CHA and meanwhile, enter to WIN some goodies!!!  You can enter on my CHA posts and on Christy Riopel's site as well and we will pick a winner later next week!!

Question #3:  Which of the CHA products above (or in the video) are you most excited about?


jenloveszhorses said...

oh boy! I think I'm most excited about the talking scan thingy!! lol forgot what it's called but that has SOOOOO many possibilities!

Carole said...

The talking tag idea is pretty interesting. I also would like to try the tool that cuts ribbon and stops it from fraying!

Marilyn Ritchie said...

Definitely the wobble thing for cards etc ... right up Leonkas' alley!

Tammy L said...

oh my goodness! Looks like you had a blast..such great stuff coming out of CHA this year. I really want to get my hands on that book by Unikeep. I have so many trips that I have yet to scrapbook so I'd love to find some new and fun ways to do it!

jill said... jealous. we'll have to chat soon.
my fave would definitely have to be the vintage jewellery!!!!! is oozing with the words "crop " and "cruise". And jewellery is so hot now. and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

Terry Montgomery said...

So excited for new Canvas Corp and Graphic 45. Gorgeous!

Jennifer Reynard said...

Oh my goodness, the two of you are hilarious! (and who does give their baby coke in a baby bottle..hmm)
You look like you had so much fun, thanks for sharing the photos and stories.
I'm definitely a Graphic 45 fan and BoBunny is not too far behind.
Good luck on the Breakfast show!

Ginger Olivieri said...

It was great meeting you and Christy at CHA! We're glad you enjoyed the travel journal. Make sure to keep an eye out for new project ideas at

Smiles, Laurie said...

I'm with you on the Talking cool!

Jeanette said...

You and Christy have the most exciting adventures!!
The wobble thing and the jewelry look interesting!!

Astrid said...

Hey Allison! Looks like you and Christy had a fantastic time...I love that it re-energized your creative juices and am hoping for some of the same over here!! Hard to choose my favourites...I think that the travel travelogue paper makes me dream of warmer climates and simpler times (two good things)! A close tie for second is Bo Bunny and Basic Grey.

Shannon Tompkins said...

I love your little red car! The products I am most excited about are anything by Bo Bunny and look forward to seeing the canvas decor by Basic Grey.