CHA Star Gazing!!

So we've arrived in HOT LA (loving it!!) and spent our first full day at CHA ooing and ahhing over each company's displays!!!  Christy forced me to do this make & take... can you guess what it is???

It's quite remarkable how "all out" some of the companies go with their displays... so much eye candy!!  I did manage, however, to not get too distracted by BLING and went in an orderly manner (at least until Christy left me to go demo at the My StampBox booth)... then I went CRAZY!!!

Speaking of CRAZY... the "Canucks" gathered on a bus tour the splendiferous Karen Ellis organized for us and headed out on the town!!!  It was soooooo much fun...

Our driver took us to all the sights... but the most hilarious was in Hollywood where we went to an infamous bar where all the stars go and stood with the Paparazzi (including TMZ guys) as cars with "famous people" came and went!!  We actually got to see some (including Jesus)!!  I will show more and tell more later, but I must say it was ridiculously FUN!!!!  

And we had to go do the walk of stars of course!!  Our bus stopped right in front of Karen's favourite famous person so of course she had to give him a HUGE hug :)

Kay... gotta run as CHA opens again in less than an hour!!!

Question #2:  What star do you think I had Christy take a picture of with me?


jill said...

Hmmmm......I don't have a "star" on the boardwalk I'm at a loss on this one. Probably some hottie you've always had a crush on. Jealous of all the fun you're having together.

Anonymous said...

please say Matthew McConaughey! With his shirt off of course! Robin Bell

izziesnana said...

Well I;m going to take a wild guess and say Tom Cruise. lol. Does he even have a star????

Tammy L said...

Fabulous pics! You guys always have the most fun!
Which star?? Out of those hundreds we have to pick 1..I think I'd rather be surprised, although I'd go for Ricky Martin, he still makes me shake my bon bon while livin' la vida loca!

KellyCreates said...
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KellyCreates said...

Oops...I meant to say Brad Pitt :)

Smiles, Laurie said...

I'm stumped..I don't know how you'd choose just one!

Shannon Tompkins said...

Not sure who .... I am sure you are going to suprise us and it won't be anything anyone thought. Your going to tell us right?