Lots of CHA and still doing our Giveaway!!

Alrighty!!!  Back home in snowy Calgary on my home computer!!

Let's begin with the explanation of the Tim Holtz fiasco...

As already mentioned, one of the much anticipated new releases was the Tim Holtz dies so while in the Ranger booth, I attempted to video Tim giving us a brief overview of his new line (which I actually LOVE especially the ones shown below!), but as many of you guessed... I pushed the "stop" button when I thought I was pushing the "record" button and MISSED TAPING THE WHOLE THING!!!  I didn't realize it until later when I tried to play it back... talk about frustration!!  But yet kinda funny as this sort of thing seems to be part of the story of my life :)

I did manage to snag a two second video of him the next day saying "Hi Canada" and later that night Christy and I were in bed blogging.  It was REALLY late at night, everyone else was asleep and Christy and I already had the giggles.  I wanted to find a photo of Tim's dies to use on the post and so I googled "Tim Holtz dies".  What pops up?

Did you mean: tim holtz died  

"Tim Holtz died!" I read outloud.

"What???" exclaimed Christy.  "Tim Holtz died"?  Needless to say, once we both grasped the misunderstanding, we were laughing so hard and so long we could hardly breath!!!  So with one last product shot from Tim, let's move on!!!

Some of my other favourite things I saw... so many companies venturing into the "Jewelry" lines like Making Memories... very intriguing!!

One other paper line that caught my eye especially for tween/teen guys was the Little Yellow Bicycle line called "Generation Z"...

Maybe it's because my guy just turned 13 AND he loves soccer, skating, biking, etc. AND it's hard to find really good guy papers.  He's not into Guitar Band, but I know a LOT of kids his age are!!

In the HOME DECOR arena, this 7Gypsies Printer Tray caught my eye!!  Here's a "before" and "after" shot (see our Canadian Vicki Boutin in there?)

And speaking of 7Gypsies, there was a ton of goodness in their booth that caught my eye!!  Get a load of these "jeweled" binder rings and "dangles"!!

I will share more show stuff again over the next few days, but in the meantime, I want to do a HUGE call-out to the fabulous girls that shared this week with me (and the hotel room)... it was an honour to get to know you all a little better this week :)

And even though we are home safe and sound, we are still continuing our BLOG GIVEAWAY to receive a $100+ value bundle of CHA goodness!!  Winner will be announced on Feb. 1 so continue to enter 3 times a day (once on each blog)... mine, Christy's blog and send comments to Scrapbook Pantry!!

Question of the Day:  
What do you keep your basic scrapbooking / crafting tools in at home for easy use and access (ie. scissors, adhesives, pens, trimmer, etc.)?  Do you care more about function or cuteness factor?


Michelle said...

So so much fun!!!

I use a 4 part wooden utensil box that I bought at Superstore, it works great & it looks good. I have it on a ledge right above my work space than I have a small metal, silver utensil tray right on my desk that has pencils, eraser, adhesive, etc.

Sacha said...

I have one of those carousels, I think they are made by Making Memories, and it holds most of my scissors, adhesive, etc. I also have a little desk organizer thing that has a slot in the back meant for paper but I put my trimmer in and an area in front of that for my ruler and stamp cleaner. I like things to be pretty but also functional. The best of both worlds :)

Janet said...

Mine all sit on the counter ready to use--I have an old armoire that used to have the TV in it, but it's perfect for all my craftin supplies--right next to my counter.

Kimberly said...

I am all about cute function... and as such, I am constantly searching for the perfect storage solution. At present, I have my adhesives, scissors, craft knives, and smaller distressing tools in one tote. I have my larger things that I use all the time, like my trimmer, ATG, CM large circle, and Big Bite in the cutest collapsible basket a friend gave me. This seems to work the best at the moment.
glad you guys are home! Can't wait for all of the goodies. I squealed with delight when I saw the binder rings.

Diane said...

For me it's all about funcion. I found a great plastic pencil box that will hold all my pens, scissors, rulers, adhesives, eraser, etc. I love that it's all self contained and easily reached.

Shauna said...

I used to store my supplies in "cutesy" stuff but then decided I could spend that money on more supplies so started going "functional." Used to store my stuff in anything pink I could get my hands on, at the time I was in our house with 4 boys. Since the arrival of our little girl I have 1. had less time for scrapbooking and 2. focus the "pink" on her.

Jennifer Reynard said...

Thanks for the beautiful pictures.
I am in awe at some of the new product that has come out. Love the jewelry themed "stuff"...those binder rings, gorgeous!
I have 2 decorative copper baskets
on my table that hold all of my small
"gadgets"(bone folders, pens,sanding blocks, files, stamp cleaner, etc)
and then I have a "drawer" system for my markers,rulers,trimmers etc.
Right now, I am over flowing so need a house just for me and my "stuff". LOL
glad to see you were able to snag a few photos of the Scrapbook Pantry gals. welcome back!

Johanna said...

I love to have my tools right where I am working...a couple of storage boxes from IKEA... with drawers hold tools, glue,small tags etc. Larger tools are stored in a cupboard of my desk..right beside me

I like to have my things where I can see them or near me...out of sight ..forgotten....glad you guys had a good time and I am thankful for your reports on the product available.

Scott Franson Photography said...

I keep my most used tools in a box on my desk that my husband made me. It's about a foot long and 4" wide with dividers. I like having things at my fingertips for easy access. I love things decorative so I crackle painted the box and then added some of my favorite Marjolein Bastin items to it. I love her art work.
Claudia F.

Rita Grant said...

I use a Pampered Chef utensil holder (black in color) and it's on a built in turn table so you can turn it what direction you want. It holds rullers, adhesive, scissors, pens, etc...it's awesome. Best find yet.

jill said...

Most of my tools are in a "take-anywhere" tote from (don't know the company; sorry). My most essential tools are (my every-days) are in a fabulous red wooden tool box, sitting right on my desk. I also have an old vintage baking stand that houses a collection of items. Love having everything at my fingertips.
btw - i NEEEEEED a 7gypsies tray!!!!

Melissa Haavind said...

I am so excited about the Little Yellow Bicycle Generation Z line! Wow!! And the Printer Tray and Jeweled Binder rings from 7Gypsies!! WOW!

I keep everything in my All My Memories Tote-Ally Cool tote! I just keep it on my workspace and if I am going anywhere it's ready to go! I am all about functional tools.

Lynnette said...

I love Cute & Functional!
I have a really cute vintage 6 pail organizer that I use to organize my tools that I use on a regular basis... I love it!

Love all the pics from CHA! Sounds like a wonderful time! :-)

Jeanette said...

Mine are in a plastic pencil box that the kids don't use any more - functional but not great looking. I did find a four compartment art tote my daughter is no longer using - looks nicer and holds more than the pencil box!

silvia said...

I keep my tools where they are easy to get to. They are out in view and not so pretty.

Anonymous said...

I still use my good old multi-pocketed carry all thingy that we got at Michaels a couple years ago. Purple, my favourite colour! I can put so much in it, and I keep it right beside my work table so everything is accessible. And then, it is always ready to go with me as well!
And.... Did you mean Tim Holtz died? (he didn't really though)

Cindy K

Betty said...

I keep my tools on my table where I work.Smaller things are in tin buckets,which I picked up at my local Dollar Store.Larger tools are stored in cupboard by my desk.Ilove cute& functional.

Linda Shewchuk said...

fun, fun, fun... so sad you missed Tim - love him...
So in love with the jeweled rings and jewlery - vicki is a definate gypsy, & i want to be like her!

i store my tools in my Tote-ally.. right on my table and am puttiing a mm white storage on there this weekend with some organization. Have some IKEA hanging tins too..

This weekend is attack of the basement and scrap area..

Mary Johnson said...

I use a tool bag it sits on the floor beside my chair. It matches my roller bag and has pockets and compartments and i love it. When i go cropping it is all packed and ready to go.

Dawn Hueser said...

I have my desk with all its drawers and the making memories rotating holder for pens etc.

Functionality over appearance.

Doramiyi said...

I have 2 fabric totes and a Making Memory storage organizer for all my toys and for me it is all about function.


melanie said...

I use a one of those table top carry totes and it's all about function, doesn't matter how cute it is if it doesn't hold what you need!

Heather said...

I have a little cardboard suitcase...it's cute and functional and just as easy to carry around the house as it is to take to a crop! Love all the CHA photos....that jewellery looks amazing!

Gisèle said...

baskets and some in bins, I have several clear shoe boxes where I store theme things like, clear stamps, inks, rubber stamps, markers, bling....

Rose said...

Ok girl..... "Dyes" - it kind of drove me crazy from the start if your post.
And Christy and I had an argument over this very question just before you left.
I am totaly for function.

Rose said...

Ok. So I seriously thought you were refering to Tim holtz's dyes(inks) not dies(punch-out things). So ignore my last comment. Either way - Tim dies and dyes over and over again.

Tammy said...

Iam all about both!!
i like cute I like functionability! tee hee!!!
Iam so excited about the 7 gysies rings and trays! they look great in the pictures and can just imagine how much better in person was!

Kelly said...

I use a 12 x 12 tupperware container for layouts on the go and a 12 x 12 tool bag for my must have tools so I can carry everything I need to scrap at the drop of a hat. It's definitely for function, not cuteness.

Marlie said...

Various organizers and labeled clear containers and trays in the drawers. for on the go I have my "Tote-ally" pink and black tote I won from you at Scrapfest. It has soooo many pockets I love it!