CHA TOP PICKS 2011 #2 and Scrapbook Your Heart Retreat!!

FRIDAY, FEB. 4, 2011 for PAST attendees
FRIDAY, FEB. 11, 2011 for NEW attendees

To start today, I have the privilege of announcing our 4th annual 
Scrapbook Your Heart Alberta-wide retreat!!!!

This retreat is truly a big part of my personal WHY I am on this earth!!!

  It is NOT a crop, but rather a retreat for the soul using art to help us dig deeper into matters of the heart and it is the only event I do where attendees report "life changing" results.  In fact, last weekend a past attendee showed me a butterfly tattoo she got after the year where we discussed the journey of the butterfly :)

So in honour of our Scrapbook Your Heart retreats, my next CHA TOP PICKS are all about retreat themes we've seen or will see!!!!  

And today's just happen to come from one of my all-time favourite companies...

Check out their first new line called "Gabrielle"... it's so beautiful I'm gonna die!!!!!!!! (phrase slightly adapted from Dispicable Me movie :)

And when I saw Bo Bunnys new line called "Timepiece" I was heartbroken that we didn't have this last year at the Scrapbook Your Heart retreat where our theme was "A Time For Everything"... so I'm just going to regress into the past once I get my hands on some of this!!!!

So I think I'll stop here and leave a few more for next time!!!!!  Meanwhile, here is my question of the day for a chance to win a $50 prize bundle between my blog and Christy Riopel's as we reveal our CHA favs!!!

What "motifs" do you like to use in your scrapbooking and even in your interior designing?  

BTW... I looked up the definition of motif : is any recurring element that has symbolic significance.  Pretty wide open :)


jill said... got me on this. i had to do a little tour of the house and see what motifs i use most often.
it's definitely "branches & flowers". they are on my curtains, my seat cushions, my canvas artwork, my fave chair in the and they're on my walls in metal. they are even on my absolute fave lamp.
wowsers!!!! do i need to mix it up?? is this good design?....what would ty pennington say?

The Savvy Scrapbooker said...

My motif is nature inspired, I think. Or very natural. I have trees and branches, owls and birds, and lots of neutral colours, with a touch of kid chaos thrown in :)

Shannon Tompkins said...

I'm definitely a butterfly and flower girl in scrapping but around the house I have a lot flowers, leaves and branch motifs.

p.s. I love both Gabrielle and Timepiece in the new Bobunny lines.

Anonymous said...

n my scrapbooking I find myself using a lot of butterflies and flowers.

Allison M.

Anonymous said...

My motif in scrapbooking would be flowers and clusters of them, but can't say I have them throughtout my house though. Love that Bo Bunny paper. Stacey (

Anonymous said...

Birds and Trees!!! I love the "soul" in an old weathered tree. "His branches speak notes, of the heart, 'ere I once be"!!! I have always loved birds (Bird happens to be my Maiden name :)) so I use them when I can find them...In my kitchen however, "fishing" is the theme!!! So I have an 'eclectic - modern-cabiny theme'!!! I like to use a lot of birds in my scrapbooking as well, but hearts are almost always a part of it!!! Everything we make comes from the heart, so why not cement that theory in with a visual :)

Monique Conners - Duchess, AB Canada! :)

Antoinette said...

I must admit I have a passion for clocks so that new collection by Bo Bunny is definitely on my to buy list. Anyone who scraps with me knows I will always try and incorporate clocks in each scrapbook I do.

Terry Montgomery said...

I am definitely into french motifs. Most of what is in my house is related to that.
And my scrapbooking reflects that also.
I already have my eye on the new Timepiece collection and can't wait to get my hands on the Clock mini album.

Julie Giles said...

My favorite, favorite motif to decorate my house with is Saltbox houses in traditional primitive country colors. Oddly something that has never crossed over to my scrapbooking :) I love the butterflies from Bo Bunny, so glad you shared those, what a beautiful line.

Heather G. said...

I would say that my go to motif would be flowers.

Betty said...

My scrapbooking motifs would have to be flowers and birds.

Sandy Ang said...

Funny you mentioned timepiece because I have a pretty minimalist decor and the common motif I see in the different rooms is - clocks. I guess I have a thing for interesting timepieces. I used clockfaces only in more vintage layouts.

Melissa Haavind said...

I would say my motif would be flowers and bling