Crop Tropical Here We Come!! And Giveaway!!!

I've had the idea of doing a scrapbooking vacation at an all-inclusive resort for about 3 years and I am beside myself excited that it's finally here!!  Crop Tropical Scrapbooking Escape in Cancun, Mexico is about to begin and I am so excited to be hosting an amazing group of new friends!!!!

This event is basically a sister event to our Crop and Cruise Scrapbooking Cruise, but instead of being a SEA event, it is a LAND event!!  Otherwise it is very similar... great instructors, great sponsors and a TON of goodies and fun just waiting to be had (not to mention the HOT, TROPICAL heat!!!)

Check out some of what's in store...

Someone attending Crop Tropical is going to win this fabulous HP A636 photo printer!!!!  HP understands that great layouts starts with great photos and what better tool to have at your disposal than a personal photo printer!!

Get a good look at this stunning kit that is exclusive for our Crop Tropical event!!!  And the bonus is that designer Christy Riopel is joining us as our featured instructor and has soooo much in store to teach us!  Here is another sample of her gorgeous work attendees get to create chalk full of delicious techniques...

All the layouts from Basic Grey, Bo Bunny, Tattered Angels, etc. will be stored in this to die for 12x12 acrylic album from Harmonie!!!
And the album plus all the extra goodies from Stix2, Scrapbook Pantry, Paper Pastimes, Scrap Hut, Scrapbooker's Paradise, Scrappin' with Friends, Scrapbooking Heaven, Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine, Connexia, Marvy, Westcott and Artytart will have ample room stored in this NEATNIX stuff bag!!

And Creative Imaginations has a new fun product that we are oh so excited to play with called Mudd Puddles!!!

Oh and I can't forget these Basic Grey doilies!!!

Okay... all this excitement has me feeling a tad bad for those of you who weren't able to join us in Cancun, so why don't we do a fun little giveaway while I'm gone!!!!  You may enter by simply answering this question:

If you could go on a tropical scrapbooking vacation, which do you think you would prefer... a LAND event at an all-inclusive resort like our Crop Tropical or a SEA event on a cruise ship like our Crop and Cruise?  And where would you love to go to?

Submit your comments to the above by February 19 to be entered to WIN!!!  Meanwhile, know I'll be thinking about you while cropping on the beaches of Cancun!!!

And just a friendly reminder... we are still accepting applications for instructors on our next Crop and Cruise Scrapbooking cruise to the Caribbean in Nov. 2010!!!  Check out the detais HERE!!! 


Janet said...

Land or or or would have to be somewhere hot! LOL--either is great with me, since we're weathering -20C here these days. Have tons of fun!

Michelle said...

Have a great trip Allison - the classes, etc look wonderful.

I would rather stay on land personally! Hawaii would be awesome!!!

Sacha said...

I would say land because I don't want to be worried about getting seasick and not enjoying the trip. I'm not sure where I would like to go though...I haven't really travelled anywhere so it would most likely be a new experience no matter where we went. Have fun in Cancun!

Johanna said...

Most defiantly I would prefer on land...afraid my "sea legs" are not working....

Shannon Tompkins said...

If Hailey was a year or two older, I would be joining you right now. So, I'd love to see another land event and anywhere in Mexico would be great. Or even anywhere hot!

Linda Shewchuk said...

oooh, first off thanks again for the opportunity to enter.
Definately take the SEA event, especially in the winter - hello - warm world!!
to me, wouldn't matter where I went just being with other fellow scrapbookers having a blast!

Have a great trip, look forward to seeing all the updates! as always, wish I was there!

Anonymous said...

I would prefer to stay on land - Hawaii would be perfect!

Cheryl Kielly

Jeanette said...

I'd probably prefer to be on land anywhere sunny and warm!!
Have a great time!

lisa slocombe said...

Land.. and maybe hmmm, really, anywhere hot would be great! Mexico is good cuz it's a little cheaper than Hawaii. I think you're doing things perfectly at this year's Crop Tropical!

Anonymous said...

Of course land! Wouldn't want my green face to match my green paper while at sea!
And, having been to the east coast of Mexico now, and the west last year, either side would be good! I would just be torn about scrapbooking inside, or beach outside. Hmmm, scrapbook all night and then sleep all day in the sun! Perfect!

Sista Cindy

Melissa Haavind said...

Have a great time Allison!! Looking forward to hearing about it when you get back!

I have never been on a cruise before...scared I might experience sea sickness - but I might have to take the risk and go! I think Mexico sounds good :)

Marlie said...

Sea! More time to relax and craft about the previous port. Land is too busy.

Have fun, I LOVE that album!

melanie said...

Bermuda would be nice in the springtime!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be able to attend either!! I love the ocean so I'm not worried about sea legs, but a week also sounds much more fun than just 3 or 4 days... As for where I would like to go - right now it's anywhere warmer than here!

Allison M.

Betty said...

I would have to take the cruise event,any place warm.

Have a great trip in Cancun Allison.Look forward to seeing some pics.

Rose said...

Land. Oh Land Land Land Land.
Huatulco is a fab spot. No where near as populated as Cancun. Great bays and swimmable and snorkable ocean off the many small hidden beaches which are easily obtainable with quite small cab fares. And less population = Better birds = better scrapbook pages. (in my opinion).

Jo-Jo said...

I would definitly pick a land destination so that I could convince my husband to go. I'd also bring my two boys along. Someplace hot is always nice but something Canadian would be great!! How about the West Coast?

Tami said...

I would prefer land but a cruise would be great also. As for location anywhere hot and relaxing.

Have a great trip!!

Anonymous said...

As long as it's hot, land or sea works for me. Have a great trip.

Kerri B

Anonymous said...

Land, for sure! Oh how about San Juan Puerto!D.C.

Carolyn Ward said...

Either land or sea would be fine with me! I would worry about getting any scrapping done though, with so many other things to see and do. :)

Thanks for the chance to win that great stuff - it would get put to good use here in the cold, too!

Katherine C said...

The cruise last year was great Allison but the chance to stay on land would be awesome too(wish it would have worked for us to come to crop tropical this year...oh well!) Miami was great as a starting point last year and it would be great to go back there as there was o much to see and do...maybe head to Key West and do a little sail around there (margaritas in hand of course!). or how about Hawaii...the possiblities are enless

Anonymous said...

A cruise sounds good to me. I love the idea of being on the sea and being made to relax.

Ali F.

Jennifer Reynard said...

As I haven't really travelled anywhere exotic, except for Hawaii
and Mexica, I would love to go back to Hawaii sometime!

Linda said...

I'd have to say land. Jamaica would be ideal with its white sand beaches and magnificient flowers everywhere.


Amber Link said...

I would say land too! Anywhere warm with sand instead of snow!

Anonymous said...

Definitely land for me. I had hoped to get to go to Crop Tropical this year, but it just wasn't in the cards. As for location, anywhere warm!!!

Dorothy Martin said...

I love to play on God's wonderful playground! Our family just came back from a beautiful mountain retreat. That said I think I would enjoy a land or sea vacation. I'll soak up the sun on a ship's deck or a sand beach, or enjoy the majestic mountains soaking in a hot tub.

Anywhere there is family, friends, and a whole lot of fun...Count me IN!

Dorothy ;o)

Anonymous said...

It would have to be LAND for this girl. I don't even like to fly to destinations - but I know that it is the quickest way to feel the sun. Perhaps when the kids are a bit older, we will have to join in on the FUN.
Looks like you had a great time!
Lisa H.

Heather said...

I would pick land....Florida! Send the kids and hubby to Disney and then crop away!

Dawn Hueser said...

I think as long as there are beaches, and sunsets and a ton of scrappy wouldn't matter if I was on land or sea.

How about Aruba

Lee-Anne said...

Land would be great! Somewhere hot would be a bonus.

Sarah Hodgkinson said...

I have vacationed on both (land and sea) and I think I would prefer land for scrapbooking. The Bahamas would be at the top of my list.

ScrappeeDiane said...

I love cruising and my hubby doesn't so I prefer Crop n Cruise. As for a destination, I would love to return to the Mexican Riveria or photograph the majestic scenery B.C. and Alaska.

Glad to hear you had a great time in Cancun. I'm so sorry for your camera tradgedy but glad you are embracing the fun of a new camera. I have the Canon Rebel XTI and love it but have never had the chance to compare it with the Nikon.

I'm looking forward to the next Crop n Cruise, I'm counting down the days.

Anonymous said...

Although I have years of sailing behind me, I'd have to go land because of the freedom of getting out and not having to worry about the possible sea sickness. As for where, I think you've already picked a great spot...Mexico (there are oh so many options), Hawaii too sounds wonderful, anywhere where the flights are often to keep the costs low.