Scrapbook Your Heart Registration OPENS!!!

Today I'm taking a bit of a CHA break to bring you other important and delightful news!!!  You can still comment on this entry to win the CHA bundle though!! :)

We are pleased to announce that registration for our 

Alberta-wide retreat hosted by the GBC Scrappers will be opening as follows:

Early Bird* opens 
Jan. 31, 2010 at 8am
Regular Registration opens 
Feb. 2, 2010 

*Early bird registration is open for those who have attended a Scrapbook Your Heart retreat in previous years.  We have reserved the first 50 spots for our early birds!! 

Details for pricing and registration are now posted on the Scrapbook Your Heart website!!  Please help us spread the word by posting on your blogs, facebook, emailing your friends, etc.!!!

This retreat is NOT a typical marathon of scrapbooking (there are many other great events that ARE and we encourage you to attend those if that is what you are seeking!!).  Please understand that this retreat is so much more and our desire is to fill it with women ready for a soul uplifting experience...

Scrapbook Your Heart is a weekend retreat of life changing fun for women!

Scrapbook Your Heart takes place nestled in a peaceful location in central Alberta with inspiring creation all around.  This retreat is offered to woman who are anxious to:
-  meaningfully and artfully explore matters of the heart
-  be pampered and feel special about who they are
-  share their life experiences in a safe environment
-  dig deep to discover new truths about themselves
-  laugh, cry, play, create, share, learn and grow together

Question of the day (pick one or pick all!):  What makes you laugh?  What makes you cry?  What inspires you? What do you do for YOU that makes your heart sing? What do you do to get through the tough times life throws at you? What is your favourite thing to do for others?

And don't forget you can enter to win the CHA bundle at Christy's blog and by sending a comment on the Scrapbook Pantry website!!  Winner will be announced on Feb. 1!!


Scott Franson Photography said...

I love to give of myself to others when I can, I pray to get through the hard times, thank God for the good times.
Claudia F.

Diane said...

Wow, great questions! I could go on and on but I won't :) Mostly, colour and shape inspire me. I can find a colour in something that will captivate me and span a creative streak completely different from the original inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity!

Janet said...

What a great idea for a weekend! There's nothing that inspires me more than spending time with friends--laughing, crying, goofing around--just being ourselves.

Sacha said...

My son makes me laugh. The other day he told me that the worst tornado was an F150. He says the funniest things.

Johanna said...

I always laugh when I hear some of the comments that my Grand Babies make...out of the mouth of babes as they say....and my fave thing to do ..beside making and designing jewelery...and to give these items to people who show appreciation for them...

Rita Grant said...

I have to say what inspires me and one of my favorite things is my grandbabes watching them grow and talk and do all the groofy things grandchildren can do. Which then leads me to scrapbook favorite times spent with them.

Linda Shewchuk said...

My girls make me laugh while crying. They inspire me to be the best I can be. Making sure my family & friends are healthy, happy and in a good mood makes my heart sing. Remember the good times and knowing that I have overcome so much before allws me to get through the tough times - someone else is always worse off, i am blessed.
The smile, laugh or words are all I need to feel good doing things for others. Hugs, smiles and lending your ears makes me want to keep doing things for others!

Melissa Haavind said...

What inspires you? Quotes or saying inspires me while I am scrapbooking. Others around me inspires me...if they can do it I can too!

What is your fave thing to do for others? When I know someone feeling down I send them a card/note or get them flowers. Knowing I have cheered them up it makes me feel good too.

Michelle said...

I'm soooo excited Allison! We look forward to this retreat every year!

I can cry about anything, even commericals!

I like to scrapbook & card make for me!

& I just like making myself available at all times for anyone that needs me & I just listen, I don't judge!

Anonymous said...

The people around me, whether they are family, friends or just those who I cross paths with, in their own way inspire me to be a better person.
Everybody, have a great day!
Jodie H

melanie said...

I love to bake, whether it's to make me happy or help out a friend when she needs a boost.

Doramiyi said...

My hubby-he makes me laugh, makes me cry, inspires me with his drive.

My next love is paper crafting, makes my heart sing.

Tough times = prayer time.

Last but definitely not least is giving. Giving is better then receiving.


Betty said...

When I know someone is feeling down I will give them my time and listen.

jill said...

my hubby makes me laugh.
I cry when I am incredibly proud of my children.
my friends & my home inspire me.
my heart sings the most when i am creating.
I count all the blessings that surround me when tough times come around.
I love doing the unexpected for others.

Marlie said...

My son makes me laugh, he's a total card! Nature inspires me. Hard times...I have had so many lately and I'm not really sure how I've made it though. I just suck it up and get it done. I know no one else is going to do it for me.
So faith in myself I guess. I love getting lost in the camera lens.

Rose said...

Makes me laugh- the world- so many funny and qureky things. People's apathy (Including , at times, my own) makes me cry.
I am inspired by things used in odd ways.

Tammy said...

You, Allison, inspire me!
So Thanks!
