Clear skies today in LA... please join our GIVEAWAY!!

This is what we woke up to this morning!!!  Clear blue skies and NO RAIN!!!!  And don't ya just gotta love the palm trees!!!!  So we had another day of the "Supershow"... this time instead of teaching, we got to walk the floor checking out all the goodies for sale.

One of my favourite finds of today was a new product called "Mudd Puddles" which is basically a sand medium that creates texture on your layouts, cards, embellishments, etc!!!  Ummm... can you say "Tropical Vacation" potential???!!!!!

We are sooooo going to play with this in Cancun in a couple weeks (yes, in just 14 sleeps Crop Tropical will be kicking off in Mexico!!!!)

So in the evening, we attended the Creative Imaginations Premier show where we got to see all their new releases as well as try fabulous make & takes, eat some great food and schmooze with the CI designers and staff (like the beautiful Cheryl Mezzeti, Josie Celio, Sally Griswold, and Christine Adolph).  Speaking of Josie and Sally (Iron Orchid Designs)... check out their new gorgeous release with CI...

And although I'm not really into the whole "Twilight / Vampire" type thing... I REALLY liked this new line from Marrah Johnson called "Breathless"and think it will be a big hit with the younger crowd (and those who are secretly and not so secretly hooked to the series)...

So it's just past midnight and Christy and I are just finishing up our blogs while all the other girls are SLEEPING!!!  What's up with that???!!!!  Oh well, as you can see, we had another great day and with the "real" CHA starting tomorrow, I guess we best get some sleep as well.  We will be teaching again at Westcott most of the day... wonder if we're handing out more FREE SCISSORS???!!!!

And last, but not least, my question for the day...

What do you think I was whispering to Christy in this last photo that made her laugh????
PS. Kim... please keep it clean :)

And don't forget to enter on Christy's blog and at Scrapbook PantRy (not Panty) as well!!


Nancy said...

It had to have something to do with having your chests touching!

Janet said...

"That cute guy over there is checking us out!"

Have fun today

Janet said...

"That cute guy over there is checking us out!"

Have fun today

Diane said...

CHA is A-Ok!

Rita said...

I have to agree with Nancy something about the chest thing. You gals are too funny....have a great time.

Marlie said...

"I Love your new hair color. Tim Holtz should have ink that color!"

Eryn said...

you were whispering Sweet Nothings in her ears....

Looks like lots of fun!!

Johanna said...

"Good idea getting that cute person to take our picture"

Betty said...

Commenting on what is going to happen tomorrow.(passing out moore scissors again)

Linda Shewchuk said...

Your bra strap just broke... or you just remembered you spelled Panty instead of Pantry!!
having fun - thanks for sharing pics of everything - love the sand!!

jill said...

"i wish Jill was here touching your chest w/ me!"

Heather said...

"we ran out of scissors"

silvia said...

"It's a good thing we wore our deodorant"

Melissa Haavind said...

"Lets Take off and go to Disneyland"

Kimberly said...

CHA would be way more fun if Kimberly were here with us. (And let Christy know that my feeling is hurt that her response to that was to laugh)

Doramiyi said...

Come and get it...scissors that is!

Liz said...

I agree with some of the girls and it has to do with accidental boob touching !

Rose said...

I don't think your whispering. I think it looks as if you are eating her hair. Which is weird. Really weird. I think there is a word for that: Trichophagia.
Get help.

melanie said...

Smile and think of all the goodies you'd like to have!

dixon246 said...

Oh my this is a hard one. A Few X-rated comments come to mind but I will keep them to myself. Perhaps you saying you could not wait to get down and dirty at CHA!!!!!

Hope that you are filthy now! (hee hee)

Tammy said...

Your the best!
