2009 - A Year in Review

My year of 2009 was an amazing ride!!  I thought it would be fun to do a year in review through some photos!  January brought CHA (Craft and Hobby Association in Los Angeles).  With a Press Pass, I was able to squeeze front and centre for Paris Hilton showcasing her new scrapbooking and crafting line!!  I even got to chat with her and yes, I do believe she scrapbooks!  Here is a photo of all the media from around the world waiting for her arrival...

And my favourite CHA photo (long story) I affectionately call "Up close and personal with Tim Holtz"!!  Be sure to watch my blog this year (Jan. 20-27) as I'll be posting again from CHA as I'm on the hunt for "My Top Picks" for 2010.

I was barely home from CHA when one of my bestest soul sistas got married!!!  It was sheer joy to take photos on this special day...

Us three girls have shared a lot of memories, tears, laughter and fun together and although we didn't want to share her with anyone else, we agreed to release her into someone else's life!

February bought my next Crop and Cruise Scrapbooking Cruise for Canadians to the Caribbean!!!  It would take volumes to describe the experience... these girls were amazing (Leica Forrest, Jill Hildebrand, Trisha Ladouceur and Deanna Hutchison).  We'd love to have you join us in the Caribbean again in November 2010! Meanwhile, I'll just let some photos do the talking...

April was the annual Camp Croppin' hosted by Scrapbooker's Paradise where I got to do a TV segment with Becky Fleck...

and enjoy the entire teaching team that was there.  I'll be there again this year for Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine and it's sounding very exciting again so be sure to sign up!!!

In May, I got to be part of my all-time favourite Alberta event... Scrapbook Your Heart retreat in Caroline, Alberta.  The theme was "Princess Warrior" and we explored how in life we need to have a princess heart recognizing how special we are with a warrior attitude that can get us through the tough times.  It was so powerful and I truly hope lives were changed... mine was.

July brought me back to Camp Caroline to take photos of the summer camps... this is just one of my favourites of many...

Then a long camping trip down the Oregon coast where we explored the most amazing sand dunes!

Everything in Oregon is HUGE!!  The dunes, the trees and the sunsets (my favourite thing to capture).

And after months of research, debate and a ton of prayer, we took the plunge and are building a new home!!  We expect it to be finished sometime in June and can hardly wait now!!

September and October were filled with two fun events sponsored by Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine... the Great Canadian Scrapbook Carnival!!  Way too much fun!!  Be sure to take part next year!!

November and December were filled with more events, a ton of soccer, Christmas, family, friends and preparations for my next big event... Crop Tropical in February in Cancun at an all-inclusive resort!!  We have amazing sponsors and I've been thoroughly enjoying working with the oh so talented Christy Riopel!!  Those coming are in for such a treat... I can hardly wait!

So here's to another awesome year in 2010!!!  God's richest blessings to you all!!


Shannon Tompkins said...

It definitely was a great year. I'm thrilled to have gotten to know you better this year and been a part of some of these events wit you. I can't wait to see what 2010 has up its sleeve for us all.

Anonymous said...

Wow what an amazing year you have had Alison.

Looking forward to some great events with you in 2010.

Jennifer Reynard said...

Wow, you sure have accomplished a lot, travelled a fair bit, and take some great "keeper" pictures.
2009 was a good year even though
there were times of uncertainty.
Things are looking good for 2010 for you and your family I'm thinking!! :)
Thanks for all that you do!