Not only was it a beautiful day (I was sleeveless with sandals on Nov. 1... gotta love Calgary!!!), but the stores we went to visit were AMAZING and the ladies on the buses were sooooooo DELIGHTFUL!!!! Even waiting in line to buy at each store seemed to be part of the fun as ladies continued to visit, make new friends and even shop while standing in line!!
And after a full fun day of shopping, we landed at the Carriage House Inn for Cropping with all our new goodies and our new friends!!! Katharina Doyle from Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine was a hoot as always to have along!!! Can't wait for the cruise to hang with her for an entire week!!!!
Our on-site stores included with the adorable Christy Riopel, Scrappin' With Friends store from Strathmore (only 20 min. drive from city limits!!) and online store which sells my new favorite ribbon organizer... the Pull-Ez!!
And I'm terribly embarrassed to say that I, photographer Allison, did not get a picture of our buses!!! So PLEASE... if anyone got a great shot of our big red city buses, can you email me a copy at
And leave a comment on the blog if you enjoyed the event or if you think you'd like to do it again sometime!! Private comments can be sent to as well.
The crop and crawl was AMAZING!!!!!!!!
It was great to see some familiar faces and meet some new scrapbookers. I would do it again in a second. Just let me give my back account a rest before we do it again :)
Thanks for a great time Allison, you ALWAYS do an amazing job!!!!!!
Oh man! What a blast! Looks like you gals had an awesome time.
Sure wish I could have been there to join in the fun!
Had a great time Allison! Thanks for organizing it. Can't wait for the next one.
I just noticed that scrapbookers Bliss has a picture of the bus on their blog.
Hope you can get a copy of it.
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