Crop for Kids - Edmonton

Here is a fun collage I put together of some of the talented instructors I had the pleasure of meeting at Crop for Kids in Edmonton! From top left to right we have Kristina Contes, Michelle Van Etten, Trisha Ladouceur, Janine Wahl, Sally Griswold and Josie Celio, Anam Stubbington, Carol Wingert, Cheryl Mezzetti, Jessi Lute, myself and Leica Forrest, Kelly Goree, Johanna Peterson, Melissa Inman, and Heidi Grace! I also met Lance Andeson from Rusty Pickle (yes a guy who was teaching scrapbooking!) and Cari Locken a talented and oh so sweet Canadian friend!
I encourage you to check out all these talented artists and see their amazing work! It was great fun being there to capture the action with "Allison's Crop Cam" and a huge thanks to all of them for donating their time and talents to a great cause to raise funds for the children's hospital!!


Janine Wahl said...

Hey there Allison! I see your little collage there. Very cool and thanks for including me in there.
Next time I am going to request that you photoshop out that dreadful double chin! Ha!


Unknown said...

Hi Allison! I was so happy to finally meet you!
I admire your photography very much. (sure would love to have gone on your cruise ... along with Leica! ;)) Maybe next time!