What Moms REALLY want...

Mother's Day is this weekend...

I'm the first to admit that I love and eat chocolate and thoroughly enjoy beautiful flowers… but if you asked me what I REALLY want for Mother's Day, those things would be so far down the list (in fact I really DON'T want them on "expected days")!!

So when my son asked me awhile ago what I'd like as a gift "that wasn't too expensive" as he doesn't have a lot of money right now… I knew immediately…

"There is nothing I want more right now than a beautiful photo of me and you".

"I think I can do that", he replied.  "I'm beginning to see why they are important".

You'd think as a photographer I'd have thousands of me and my kids… but I don't.  I'm usually the one behind the camera so I have to be more intentional with this.

And when I think about what if something happened to them or to me, I fear I don't have enough photos!!!

Yup, even my son is starting to recognize that life as we know it today won't be the same as tomorrow and isn't what it was yesterday… 
we grow, we change, and sadly…

we lose loved ones sometimes unexpectedly… far before "their time"…

like the 5 university students here in Calgary recently…
like the niece my friend lost this week...

and suddenly photos are immensely meaningful, and precious, and coveted. 

And so that is what I as a Mom REALLY want for Mother's Day this year… some beautiful photos of me with my kids.

And I'm guessing many other moms out there would say the very same thing and so I have a special gift offer to give you what I want for myself… buy it for yourself or for your mom or a new mom or show it to someone who will buy it for you!!! 

And I've committed to giving 25% of the certificates bought towards helping moms and kids and families in Haiti when I go in 3 weeks…  what could be more special this Mother's Day?!?!?!

Oh and meanwhile go hug your loved ones and let them know you love them.

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