And the WINNER IS...

And the WINNER IS...

The Children in Haiti!!!!!

This past weekend we did our Crop For Haiti scrapbooking and crafting event and it just always makes me giddy that that we can have THAT MUCH FUN and raise THAT MUCH MONEY that is going to change THAT MANY LIVES!!!!

So our total raised was (insert drum roll here)...


During the event, I had a "moment"... 
I looked across the room at all the women laughing, crafting, eating and chatting away...
and I just had such a heart full of gratitude (my word of the year)...
I am still in awe how a few posts on facebook and my blog results in this event each year...
with the absolute BEST women ever!!!!!
And the best instructors EVER (seriously talented ones that give so generously of their heart, soul and creative giftedness without hesitation)...
and the best team of helpers (who take control of everything non-crafty for me!!)
and a church that enables all of it...
and an organization Live Different who is changing our world!!!!

We don't yet know exactly how much building the school in Haiti is going to cost or how much building a home in Dominican will be... but it is ALL GOOD!!!  I will keep you posted once I know, but in the meantime...

My heartfelt THANK YOU to those who joined in.  
I have no more words... just gratitude for you.


Lisa B. said...

Wahooooooo!! That is awesome!!!

Unknown said...

awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! what a great gift!