If you are on facebook...

If you are on facebook, 
please click HERE 
to vote for the above photo on Nikon Canada's facebook page!!
Deadline is Dec. 21 :) 

This photo is extra special and many of you may recognize it...
  • it is the little chapel at Camp Caroline where we hold our annual Scrapbook Your Heart retreats (info for the 2011 one coming SOON)
  • it is the cover shot for my Scrapbook Your Faith article in the current Winter issue of Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine (will also discuss that soon!)

Christmas Crafting on City TV

So one of my favourite parts of being in the crafting and photography industry (other than hosting tropical vacations like Crop and Cruise!) is doing regular TV segments with an assortment of people and products!!!
This week we got to play with Jill Belland and Christy Riopel at Foundations for the Future Charter Academy with these crafty students...

Jill is always great to work with as a host and this time she brought along another beautiful lady named Kristin who is training to be TV host so we let her practice on us throughout the morning!!  She also did great so be sure to watch for her in the future :)

So we played and crafted with Westcott Trimmers, Stix2 adhesives, Harmonie and Kiki Art papers, a ton of stamps, papers and these 3 main tools...
The Bind-it-all machine from Zutter is a fantastic tool for binding a wide assortment of projects!!  Check out what Christy Riopel designed using this machine...
An advent book... 25 little envelopes to hold special somethings leading up to Christmas!!
 Next she took a bunch of old Christmas cards and "recycled" them into this fun mini-album!!!!

Zutter also sells Cover-alls that go all the way up to 12x12 seen here... they come in Black and White and are perfect for decorating (this one I simply attached a 12x12 layout made with all Kiki Art products to the front and voila!!!

A close-up of this layout leads us to our next two fun tools we played with...
The Marvy Border Punch allows you to do 8 different beautiful and substantial borders on cards and up to 12x12 in seconds!!!

The I-Rock tool allows you to apply the bling to projects and cards and even fabric and wood in seconds as well!!
 Here are a few of the cards and tags we created using the Marvy Border Punch and the I-Rock...

A huge thanks to all the students from FFCA and to Christy, Jill and Kandi for helping us pull this all together for a super fun morning of crafting :)  See below post to find out where you can purchase these great tools and products!!!!

I will try to post the video from the morning real soon!!!  Meanwhile, Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

TV Segment on Christmas Crafting Thursday!

Be sure to watch...
Breakfast Television
this Thursday, Dec. 16
from 6-9am
Channel 5/8

as I'm going to be LIVE on location with Jill Belland and Christy Riopel filming from Foundations for the Future Charter Academy school with a bunch of crafty students!!!!

Check out some of the super fun projects, tools and supplies we are going to play and create with:

All crafters need to start with some awesome basics like a trimmer and scissors and I am LOVE LOVE LOVING these ones from Westcott!!!  The trimmer has a scoring blade that just "parks" itself until you need it so making cards is especially a breeze!!!!!  And these Blooms scissors come with a handy carrying case that goes around your neck so you're never hunting for your scissors!!!!

This Border Craft Punch from Marvy Uchida is a cardmaker and scrapbooker's dream tool!!!  It does 8 different decorative edges quick and easily even up to 12 inches long!!!

Also from Marvy are these Puffy Velvet Markers!!!!  You simply draw or write with them, let it dry then heat it and watch it miraculously puff!!!  Sooo much fun especially for kids!!!

And because on every project a little bling must fall, we are going to bling up our projects with the I-Rock tool from Imaginisce!!!!   This new tool is PERFECT for attaching bling to paper, fabric, wood and more!!!

I-Rock crystals and rocks come with adhesive already on the back and you simply place where you want it and heat it with the I-Rock tool and voila!!!!  And look how many you get in the package (and such cute packaging!!!!  The perfect Christmas gift for the crafty girl in your life!!!!

And binding your artwork and projects is a dream using the Bind-it-all tool from Zutter!!  This cool tool allows you to create your very own journals, mini-books, calendars and more!!!!
So where can you buy all these fantastic crafting tools and goodies????  Check out these stores for the above and MORE!!!!

(Marvy border punch & Puffy markers)
Online Store (Bind-it-all supplies)
Online Store (I-Rock supplies)
(Harmonie supplies)
(Craft & Glitz Glitter)

And be sure to check back here to see photos of all the crafting projects we create on air!!!!

I crashed...

NOTE:  this post was written Nov. 25... didn't know if I was going to post it or not, decided to in case it helps someone else :)

I crashed yesterday.

Not a car crash (thankfully), but a personal crash.  It doesn't happen often and the degree of severity varies as well as the length of time it lasts.  Usually it's only one or two days and usually it follows immediately after the end of a major event that I've been in charge of.

What does it look and feel like?  I pretty much feel like I want to quit.  Everything.  I don't want to do anything, see anyone, speak to anyone... all I want is to crawl into bed and pull the covers over me.  I pretty much quit life (as you can see by the state of my kitchen)....

My "code" for being in this state is declaring, "I'm just going to stay home and bake cookies".  I figure not much can go wrong with that plan... people can't wrongly judge me for that... who would question my heart, sincerity, or integrity for baking cookies... and besides, my family would be happy and I personally love fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.  It would just make life much simpler... fatter, but simpler.

So after 18 months of planning for the last Crop and Cruise and despite it's success and most amazing experience (probably the most enjoyable personally for me), and despite the fact that I didn't FEEL like I would crash after this one because it was so free of stress, I got lots of sleep, didn't get sick, didn't dunk a camera, had a ton of fun, made great new friends and didn't feel overwhelmed at all... it still hit me yesterday.

A few friends have suggested over the years that I might battle occasional bouts of depression, but I'm not so sure... doesn't everyone have occasional days like this??  Don't we all feel like throwing our hands up in the air some days and saying, "That's it!!  I'm done!!  This is sooooooo not worth it!!"  Please PLEASE tell me that I'm not the only one!!!

From my limited understanding of depression, is that it is much deeper and much longer and often requires professional care and often appropriate medication to pull through... so I'm not so sure I've ever been there (other than one time while pregnant when I felt like I didn't want to live another day with nausea and decided that I would shave my head... one of my lowest, darkest times... cried myself to sleep before I found the scissors... looking at it now, it was so worth it as now I have Lindsey).

And I have learned when to expect the "crash"!!  It almost always comes after a big event.  Even my friends and family expect the "crash" and don't get as alarmed anymore.

My other indication that it's not true depression, but simply a state I enter on occasion is the fact that I know what to do to bring myself through.  I have my own "medicine" or "recipe" that is tried and true... here is my prescription for myself when I crash (in no particular order... all are critical):

1.  Cry.  Now I cry ALL the time, but this cry time is different... it is a release cry and I give myself permission to have a really good cry and wallow in it for a time.

2.  Sleep.  I absolutely love to sleep and don't usually have any trouble sleeping, but during a crash, I plan extra sleep including naps.  Things ALWAYS look different after sleep.

3.  Music.  Music is my soul food and I know the impact good inspiring music has on me (I love to listen to Shine FM in Calgary) so I make sure it is on!!

4.  TV.  I like to lose myself in a good story or comedy, but I also intentionally expose myself to shows that feature someone less fortunate than myself... Extreme Home Makeover... World Vision... etc. to put my woes back in perspective. Focussing on others helps take the focus off of me.

5.  Count my blessings.  It sounds cliche-ish, but it really does help to seek out what I have been blessed with and things that make me smile... and sometimes it's worth capturing in photos like these ones... when we arrived home from the cruise, we found this whiteboard in Lindsey's room...

we had left her little notes she would get throughout our time away and she organized them on her whiteboard and left a little comment back to each one...

and she designed this card she wants to make for Christmas... how can I not smile at these!!

And then I went downstairs and found my two guys working together to finish our basement... the memories we hope to create in this space also makes me smile

6.  Craft.  Creating is therapeutic so took in a Christy Riopel mixed media class at Scapbooker's Bliss... I warned the girls when I arrived to not be alarmed if I spontaneously combusted into tears at any moment... I didn't, but I sure could have.  And I LOVE what I created!!!  I still need to finish it, but it sure did help to play, paint, stamp and yes, get a little mod podge everywhere.

7.  Eat... favourites... like Reeses Peanut Butter Icecream or Eatmore chocolate bars.  Now I know this is not viewed as a "healthy" habit to eat one's woes away, but chocolate goes a long ways for me and I'm convinced there is some medicinal value to it!!

8.  Read my Bible.  Thankfully my faith never crashes when the rest of me does... my roots are too deep and my God has proven Himself over and over throughout the years... but I do find that my wisdom and discernment and perspective often need a boost and so my Bible becomes an incredible source... it is miraculous actually how God uses time in His word to speak to me (I have such stories I could tell!!!!)

9.  Friends.  Even though I don't feel like seeing or speaking to anyone, I know that my soul sistas are always there to carry me through so I really do try not to hide from them...

10. Time.  Time heals and although this fact is often "in my head", but not in my heart, I desperately hold on to the knowledge that the passage of time will eventually lead me out... I just need to be patient and treat myself with some TLC.

So.... funny how I ended up with 10 things... wasn't trying to... just happened and just is.  I guess writing or journaling also must help... probably why I'm typing this... not sure if I'll ever post it, but feels better to get it down "for the record".

NOTE: Today is Dec. 6 and I am through my "crash" and doing better... sorta is weird to read it all back, but yet I know this pattern... guess I wanted to record it so that I remember what it's like to be in the midst of it.  And today I decided to post it in case it helps someone else.  I know that Christmas often brings tough times too so just maybe my "recipe" might help someone else and if not, that's okay too cuz it helped me :)