YES CHA here we come!!!!!!!

YES!! YES!!  YES!!

For all those asking, YES I am again heading to CHA in LA this weekend for the biggest, best, blingiest craft show ever along with my partner in crime Christy Riopel!!!!

And YES we will be partying and playing with the Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine Team!! We even rented a bus to tour LA with many of the other Canadians that will be there... can't imagine that there will be ANY trouble that follows us on that adventure!!!  

And YES I am on the hunt for my Top Picks from CHA 2012 so if you see something online you would like me to check out (like this new Bo Bunny line!!), leave a comment and I'll try to go see, touch, smell, and photograph it for you (I draw the line at licking... usually!!)

And YES I am also on the hunt for Splendiferous Sponsors for our Crop and Cruise HAWAII event in November this year!!!  I can't wait to take a closer look at this line called "Tropical Travelogue" from Graphic 45!!!

So the only CHA thing I am not a clear YES on is if I should try again to interview Tim Holtz!!  If you don't know what happened last time, you can go HERE to read about it!!!

And YES we are planning another super fun GIVEAWAY event from CHA where all you need to do is comment, answer questions and participate on our blogs from the comfort of your home!!  More details will follow, but we may as well get started even though we don't fly out until Saturday!!  So... 

Question #1:  Should I attempt another Tim Holtz interview?  Why or why not?


jill said...

Hey girl. Have a blast with Christy!!! doubt in my mind about the interview. In fact, I have a pretty good idea that Mr. Holtz will be searching you out to get more facts about that fabulous cruise event you're doing (haha). I'd play it cool.....make eye playfully.......then pretend you're choking so he finally comes running to you. Everyone will think you're "someone" then......if they don't already.
Miss you already, but I'll be watching to hear how things are going. Put in a plug for your fabulous instructors,kay. Wish I was there to strut some stuff.

Janet said...

Without a doubt! An interview is a must. a chance to get close to Tim and his creativeness....woohoo! I think you should ask him what the first thing was that he ever created. Wouldn't that be a blast to actually see?

Marilyn Ritchie said...

Of course you should try to interview, because as Leonka would say if you don't try how do you know it won't happen. Always have to try!

Corlann said...

To quote one of my all-time favorite books..."If at first you don't succeed, try try again!" So for sure, you need to go for it!

A tour bus full of all you Canadians... just sounds like a news headline waiting to happen! Sounds like something I'd love to be there for too!

Have a fabulous time ('course, how could you not?!?!?)

Anonymous said...

So jealous! One of these years I am going to sneak into your suitcase so I can join you at CHA!

About Tim, I think I'll keep my opinions on that to myself 'cuz you know I'm not his biggest fan. :D

Have a blast and try not to get into too much trouble with Christy!

Melissa Haavind said...

Yes, another interview with Tim Holtz is a must! Maybe have someone else work the camera! ;) LOL Have a great time at CHA ladies!!

izziesnana said...

Of course you should. I think it will be a huge success.....and if you need some moral support, I will definately volunteer. Just have someone who will clean up my drool before someone slips on it. lol. You would be such a natural for this job of getting to know t!m

Tammy L said...

Absolutely I hope you did! Everyone wants to get close to Tim! It would be the envious interview of all!

Nancy said...

Aslong as you're not the camera person! I remember what happened the first time you tried to take photos of Tim Holtz

Smiles, Laurie said...

I think you should. Get all the low down on all the new stuff he has coming out amidst the fun and giggles it will bring.

Astrid said...

I know that it's probably after the fact here.....but I would say of course, go for it! Hopefully the second time will be the charm that the rest of us can enjoy with!

Shannon Tompkins said...

Skip the interview, there will be enough of him out there ... go find someone new and exciting!