An ODE to turning 44

For most of the year, I thought I was only 42 so turning 44 this weekend was funny because it feels like I just skipped a year!!  Nothing like aging fast!!  I actually like birthdays though!!  They are not only a great excuse for a party (thanks Brad and kids for the surprise one!), but I always welcome the opportunity to re-evaluate my life... WHAT is truly important (and what is not), WHO is truly important, how I've changed over the past year (hopefully for the better!) and what my life goals are.

And I honestly try not to feel "old" even though there are definite signs getting harder and harder to ignore that I won't get into!!  Part of the strategy is to try to take good care of myself physically (working out and eating better), mentally (constantly learning new things), socially (spending time with others), emotionally (lots of laughter and tears) and spiritually (reading my Bible, praying and listening to inspiring music!)  I also try to remember that life is not about me (hence the name of my blog!) and focus on others.  For my birthday this year, I bought 13 pairs of winter boots to give to the Mustard Seed... God and I have this agreement... when He prompts me to buy something (usually on sale)... I buy it and give it away!!  I'm pleased to say that Brad and the kids are very used to this and don't get alarmed any more at the shopping bags I sometimes drag in!!  

Another thing I love about birthdays is having some photo fun!!  This year was no different... two of my soul sista's joined me in my studio to help test drive my Nikon D90... of course we can never be completely serious!!  LOVE these girls!!!  They also help keep me feeling young and focussed on what is really important!! 

And everyone knows that behind every successful man stands a woman... you just can't see me when I'm behind Brad though!!  But seriously... I wouldn't be who I am today without this guy!!!  He is my ROCK!!

And these two take my breath away!!  Sometimes because I'm frustrated with some of the day-in day-out issues of raising them, but mostly because I cannot imagine how I could love them more!!

So... feeling overwhelmingly blessed right now!!  And thankful... I think 44 is going to be a very good year!!

Ode to Turning Forty-Four

The time has come when I turned forty-four
I opened my eyes and peered out the door
Seeing balloons, streamers and food everywhere
And friends and family this day with to share!

But beyond the cake and parties I had
The best part that makes my heart really glad
Is knowing I've got so much love in my life
To carry me through both good times and strife!


Lee-Anne said...

That is an awesome blog, Allison! Welcome to the 40's club. I am 48, but I must say I have enjoyed my 40's more than any other time in my life. It seems like there is an awakening to what is important. Kudos to you for being such a sweet, kind person and giving boots to the Mustard Seed. You have inspired me.

Starr Mercer said...

You look awesome girl! Happy b-day!

jill said...

I cried when I saw such that beautiful photo of you today. love you & miss you incredibly!!!! happy birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Allison -- I'll be catching up to you in a few months -- and have the same thing re: age -- can hardly believe where the time has gone!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Allison!
Beautiful photos...

Shauna said...

Happy happy birthday. Love the shopping prompting and giving the stuff away...great idea and how wonderful to be hearing the voice of God in all you do! Many blessings to you over this next year!

Jennifer Reynard said...

Happy, happy birthday girl!
Your photos are awesome, especially love the one where you
are just peaking out from behind
Brad's shoulder.
Sure lookin good for 44- would never have guessed!
Enjoy your week!