
Be Still My Heart!!

This is a "be still my  heart" video from Haiti... we were at the end of our trip and as always, we get to feed the children at the school. It quickly came to our attention, however, that some of the older children were stealing food from the younger ones... you can't really blame them I guess as when you are that hungry, you resort to a bit of a "survival of the fittest". 

But once we were aware, we became the PROTECTORS of the younger and more vulnerable and amidst the utter chaos of 200+ students trying to eat and run around on the playground, I pointed my camera at my husband... this precious little girl was so utterly contentedly letting him feed her!! Each time she wanted a drink, she would just look at him and give a gentle nod...

One of the greatest needs this community has is food... and I've been brainstorming how we can help provide that for them. They had a kitchen generously donated to the school so that is now there and ready to go, but they need a source of food... and in Haiti, that is a huge challenge!!! But not impossible...

So even though we raised enough funds to build them the ART ROOM (which is AWESOME!!!!), I don't think I can stop there knowing that even their basic needs of food and water are still going unmet.. here is where we stand today on our fundraising...

I still believe that TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS!!!

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